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The Short Story

Like many beautiful things in life, I have fought this. For so long, I felt like saying “I’m a life-coach” or any of the synonyms would insight massive eye-rolling. I had to face the fact that two of the best things in my life (jiu-jitsu and acting) I had picked up reluctantly. 


I’ve always had an insatiable thirst for experience. I have experienced extreme pleasure and extreme pain. It has been a chaotic and expansive ride of beauty and destruction. Through this, I have learned to dance in the storm and eventually, become the dance. I have embraced the totality of life with an open heart, and learned to make this meat vehicle we call a body my ally. I recognize it as an instrument that can be tuned in a way that it assists in playing out a divine score.


My entire life I’ve heard from friends, family, coaches and teachers that I have a natural ability to absorb skills and knowledge…and then articulate them in a style that’s easy to digest. I realize that I’ve been given a gift: the ability to hold space, advise and inspire people.



“I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever...”

-J. Krishnamurti

What is Life Astistry 

We all want to be satisfied. That’s the lowest common denominator, right? We seek different ways to feel our best, so we can create a life that increases our overall happiness, in turn making that “feel our best” feel better and better.  


There is a natural flow in which you and only you thrive. There is a sweet spot where you feel and create your best, where you show up for yourself and all those you care about in your most impactful and fulfilling way. Getting yourself aligned and tuned to this inspired life is an art. And like any artform, we can benefit from learning tools and techniques to make this unique expression more powerful. This process is different for everyone. Life Artistry is a completely bespoke experience. Together, my clients and I create tailor-made daily practices with the ultimate goal being increased satisfaction, more joy and finding true purpose in their lives.


My journey to become an artist has taught me that real artistry lies in the way you live life…not out of discipline, but out of Love. That is an art worth teaching.

“to Make Living Itself an Art, That is the goal.”

-Henry miller 

My  Commitment  t o  You



  • I will always be authentic. You can count on me to reflect anything back to you that I feel may serve you.  

  • I will always accept.  I will listen without judgement.

  • I will always strive to empower.  My goal is to introduce tools and perspectives that allow you to manifest increased personal freedom.

  • I will always hold the intention of unity.  While "Life-Artistry" involves the  uncovering of our unique gifts, the underlying canvas is that we are all made of the same thing.

  • I will always believe in inspiration.  It exists.  Let's experience some.  

  • I will always be kind.  Because kindness is the revolution.  

  • I will always promote fun.  Because laughter is the highest state.

  • I will always do what I say I am going to do. 

  • I will always do my best to make everything I encounter beautiful.  

  • I will always live an artful life.  



“The Meaning of Life is to Find Your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” 

-pablo Picasso 

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