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Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working

-Pablo Picasso

Growth is often uncomfortable. Breaking through to new levels of satisfaction and freedom require facing our fears.  It's why we are here.  It is the "Hero's Journey".  The only way out is in and that means into the shadows.  We go to battle internally trying to make sense of beliefs, habits and feelings.  We begin to seek for answers and an end to our suffering.  Today more than ever we are overstimulated with promises of silver-bullets. Expecting one magic activity, discipline, or substance to drop us straight into perfect health and happiness. We compartmentalize our lives into categories such as “physical,” “mental,” “spiritual,” and “emotional” as if we could address one without addressing the others. “We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.” (E.O. Wilson).  Intuitively, we know that evolving in some way is the answer to our longing for more joy and vitality. The process can be daunting and often feels like an unravelling.  


The good news is, the more we shed light on these fears, the closer we are getting to our truth.  The more dragons we slay, the more our decisions are based in love and the smoother we slip into our flow.  Let's approach this from the supposition that our minds, bodies, spirits and souls make up an integrated instrument of creation.  We can think of this instrument as an antenna and our daily choices dictate the frequency this antenna picks up from the heavens. When we pick up a clear signal, we are in tune with our truth. With this awareness comes a complete sense of commitment to our actions and the story we are writing into being every moment with the help of some mysterious divine flow. In this space lies purpose and fulfillment.  Not everyone will use the same combination of tools to realize these benefits.  Here are just a few of the arrows in the "Life-Artistry" quiver we can use to create custom routines and rituals:


  • Meditation

  • Breath Work

  • Relationship Check-In

  • Real Food Nourishment

  • Gut Health

  • Movement

  • Qi Gong

  • Jiu-Jitsu/Self-Defense

  • Human Design

  • Inspiration Identification

  • Energy Work

  • Plant Medicine

  • I-Ching

  • Gene Keys

  • Pleasure/Habit Balancing and Awareness

  • Recommended Readings and Media For Mindset


Ultimately you have to take the steps. No one can do it for you. In jiu-jitsu there is a saying: “The two best times to start jiu-jitsu are when you are 10 years old, and today.” Start working and inspiration will find you. 


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